31 Ways to Earn and Save Money

One of the most intimidating aspects of adulting is money. Whether it’s how much you earn, how much you owe or how much you spend, it can be overwhelming. This list will help you earn more and spend less, so that you’re managing your money instead of the...

Eight Ways to Make More Money

The pandemic has left many young people in one of two scenarios – gainfully employed, but working from home with lots of downtime or suddenly without a job (or hours and income significantly reduced) and trying to make ends meet. And whether you have more time...

Student Loan Basics

Going to college is an exciting experience – until you start to talk about the financial obligations it can require. When it comes to paying for a college degree, knowing the fundamentals and making wise choices can mean the difference between a life of debt or...

Five Ways to Save Hundreds in Minutes

There are so many things we need to pay for to survive – from insurance to rent to student loans – that cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars every year. But sometimes as little as five minutes can mean a lower interest rate or insurance quote. Read...